Microtargeting Your Email Audience

micro-targeting-480x340Creating a successful email campaign means getting the right message to the right audience. You can’t do this if you don’t know exactly who is receiving your emails. Your first instinct might be to blast your emails out to as many people as possible but this scattershot approach has very limited success and a very low Return on Investment (ROI).

The right approach is to target your email communications to the right audience. Working with a company such as eTargetMedia that has a large and well-organized database of email contacts is a great first step for getting your email campaign on track. By microtargeting your email campaigns, you have the best bet to reach potential customers and will get the most value out of your investment.

Microtargeting has long been associated with political campaigns. Candidates often hire telemarketing companies to perform “robocalls” to potential voters. They make sure that the calls are reaching the right people by drilling down their call lists as much as possible. This includes using consumer data such as age, household income and personal interests to create as complete of a profile of a person as possible and then matching that with a likely voter for a candidate.

But microtargeting isn’t just for political campaigns. Small businesses can benefit by using the same concepts to discover and communicate with potential customers. Even if you don’t have a detailed customer list to use, you can still start a microtargeted campaign. eTargetMedia has a list of more than 150 million consumers and 15 million businesses with demographic and lifestyle information. This makes it easy to parse, segregate and target the data to reach out the right potential customers.

Three Tips for Converting Email Prospects to Customers

Getting people to open your marketing emails is only part of the process of creating a successful campaign. Your ultimate goal is to make sure that people read the content, are engaged with what they read and become customers of your goods or services. To help you convert your email prospects, eTargetMedia presents three basic steps that everyone should do before embarking on an email campaign:

Have a Targeted Email List: The worst thing that you can do is send out a great email to a list that reaches the wrong people. You need to deliver your email messages to a targeted group of recipients in the same way that you would make sure that your ad campaigns are being delivered to the proper channels to reach your customers. This problem can be solved by using a targeted email list from eTargetMedia, that has been targeted to include recipients that are relevant to your business.

Provide High Value Content: If a person opens an email from you and determines that you aren’t providing them with relevant and informative content, there’s a good chance they won’t open another email from you. Always make sure your emails are filled with information customers can actually use instead of simply being promotional.

Follow Up On Important Emails: If you are launching a new product or service, you’ll want to do more than simply send out one email to your customer base. You can schedule a campaign to send out follow up emails after customers have taken certain actions such as clicking through to your site or going to your shopping cart.